Heavens and Earth- Boldness by repentance
15 September
Week 9
Morning bold
and loving ones. Today we will see how sons Love and what makes sons bold. We
will specifically look at the boldness of Jesus and the love of Jesus as Son. I
trust that these lessons will stay in you this day.
The boldness of a servant is a show off to the master. The love of a servant is looking for a reward. You will learn how to be bold without expressing the servant characteristics. The boldness of servants is based on the applause of the master. Many sports heroes we have today are driven by reward to be bold other than love of what they are doing. Some will go evangelize to show the pastor that they are there. Some will go door to door to please the church crowds as the church superman or even batman. They don't do this because of their Love for God.
The boldness of a servant is a show off to the master. The love of a servant is looking for a reward. You will learn how to be bold without expressing the servant characteristics. The boldness of servants is based on the applause of the master. Many sports heroes we have today are driven by reward to be bold other than love of what they are doing. Some will go evangelize to show the pastor that they are there. Some will go door to door to please the church crowds as the church superman or even batman. They don't do this because of their Love for God.