Saturday, May 31, 2014


Accessing Heavens and Earth: Session 12
29 August 2013
Week 7         

Today I will want to continue with Accessing Heavens. I guess it will be the 12th chapter. I will be entering in the practical part of Accessing Heavens. Since I began a download of these truths my prayer life changed. When I prayed I knew that I am literally walking in heaven's dimensions. I had to be as bold as I am when I am entering my own office! I had to be as bold as the best qualified candidate for the job. You did not bribe anyone to get this high office you occupy in heavens. When you pray you need to enter prayer in this full understanding of Accessing Speeches and Utterances of Heaven.

When you study the Word you need to rise to the truth that you are opening books in your heaven's office. When you worship you need to be in the complete awareness that you occupy Higher Heavens and remain in that focus. It takes distraction in your mind to fall off from heaven's dimension to the lower heavens.

One thought is sufficient to pull you to lower heavens during worship.

If you have been raised with Christ set your mind on things above. This means let your soul that is serving angelic duties fly from earth to heaven. Soul is so powerful such that wherever it is there you are too. Just as angels always go with the son so will your soul always go with your spirit. Your spirit remains inactive until your soul takes the angelic position next to your spirit.

The place which you allow your mind frequently visits means that you are there. The reason why the soul is trapped in needs is to ensure that you miss your daily habitation in the Higher Heavens. Servants therefore console themselves with entering heaven when they die. Sons know that they need to enter daily. The Soul made Adam to lose daily access to heavens. The soul is still making you to lose daily access to heavens today. No wonder there are so many disturbances and distractions in church. Show me a place that has distractions I will show you church. Put people in a classroom and read a paragraph and they will repeat as it is. Put them in church and read a paragraph in the bible and few if any will remember it. I know you sing and worship in your church but once you worship with the knowledge that you access heavens in that worship things will change. Never have I seen a place where people will disturb worship like church. Satan is too afraid of seeing you accessing the place where he was dwelling 24/7.

Have you seen the traffic of thoughts that visit you during intercession? Satan does not mind when you intercede but he minds when you mind your intercession. He does not mind when you pray but he minds when you set your mind in heaven during prayer. My prayers are not the same again. Do you know that he can drop a pornographic picture in the middle of tongues! Do you know the pictures that rain when saints pray?

I did not hear an Amen there!

Do you know the things that saints think in church? They are worse than any XXX rated movie. I told satan that he will not have my mind even for one minute in worship and in prayer. When anyone preaches I know that the prophet is taking me by hand in heavens.

I do not allow losing any word he says. When someone reads the bible I do not allow losing any word read. There speeches and utterances do not fall on the ground when I am present. When I pray I pray like I am a player in a world cup final. When you come to prayer you are doing the thing which you were designed to do like a world champion. It is so disheartening to see how saints lose focus during intercession. So many saints get trapped in Lower Heavens while angels wait for them in Higher Heavens. Well this is application and I am not expecting it to excite you. Well I have all my prayer time and do not allow losing any minute from it. When I read my bible I read like a very skilled champion. When I worship I do in being mindful of the heavens I access. Well when I pray I say: Lord teach me to access heavens with this prayer. Let all the angels you assigned to me in this prayer to be all at work with me. Lord, teach my mind how to stay in heavens during this prayer. Lord I ask your grace during this time of prayer. I need the best of boldness in this prayer. Let there be no place in my life where I will have boldness more than in prayer. Do you have a picture?

I pray you catch this!

Do not allow a soccer star to play soccer better than your prayer. Do not allow a soccer fan to be more enthusiastic of watching soccer than you in prayer. We are talking application. If a fan stands for 90 minutes cheering his player and you sit after 10 minutes in prayer what then? In all the boldness that God has provided there is none more than the one of approaching the throne of grace. I am activating some of you as I speak.

I want to give you time to go to prayer right now and begin to practice this. Come back and testify.



  1. Imagine the wold with angels on the loose! So are your thoughts. When God says "I know My Thoughts that I have for you" it means "I know My Angels that I have assigned for you". Therefore when you think what God Thinks you assign the same Angels for your life. This is how your thoughts (soul) takes the angelic place for you.

  2. Wow you made this very plan thank you! I've never heard about the angels being assigned to me.
